Negara Brunei Darussalam (July 21, 2009)
THE Marine Department yesterday issued a warning asking for people in areas affected by substantial high tides to exercise extra caution. The high tide which occur until July 25 is expected to reach up to 2.6 meters.

The department has asked water taxis and outboard operators, especially speedboats shuttling passenger to and from the capital and Bangar Town, to be extra cautious when passing through the residential areas of Kg Ayer. They are also advised to be alert for floating logs and other debris and refrain from operating during heavy rain, when visibility is limited. Operators of larger vessels, are required to warn other watercrafts of their presence by signaling their positions through their horns and switching on their navigation lights.
Kg Ayer residents are also advised to be on alert of possibility of a flash flood in their area. They are also advised to be cautious and to monitor their children while they're playing or walking around on the walkways or riverbanks.
Julai 21, 2009
1. Ribut diramalkan akan berlaku pada sebelah malam:
- Kelajuan angin 20 knot / Ombak 2.5 meter

Julai 22, 2009
1. Satu gerhana matahari dijangkakan akan berlaku pada jam 4.17 am
2. Satu fenomena air pasang luar biasa dijangka akan berlaku,
air pasang pada paras 1.92 m adalah dijangkankan berbanding 1.86m pada 21 Julai 2009
3. Ribut petir dijangkakan berlaku pada sebelah petang:
- Kelajuan Angin 20-30 Knot / Ombak 1-1.5 Meter
4. Menurut laporan tidak wujud kaitan diantara fenomena gerhana dengan bumi ataupun

Julai 23, 2009
1. Ribut petir dijangka akan berlaku pada sebelah petang;
- Kelajuan angin 20-30 Knot / Ombak 1-1.5 Meter

credits: the brunei times / joran-sabah.blogspot.com / various sources
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