demi permintaan teman teman di brunei darussalam, singapore & malaysia, begitu juga dari telok arab & europe, lagu lionel richie melalui crox top chart diudarakan agar nostalgia manis dapat memberikan senyuman dihati para pendengarnya (on the air for 5 days only)

ada daripada mereka menyatakan "tak minat pancing, masuk croxfiber untuk lagu aje.." "surf croxfiber & let the music on.. i get down to my work..""bole mainkan lionel richie kahhh?" "bro, i on croxfiber & cflounge.. music on lah tu bro.."
croxfiber - cita rasa bermacam ragam & apa juga hasrat, kami akan cuba tunaikan demi jalinan mesra persahabatan... ikan, info masakini, lagu, kenangan lalu & sebagainya

lionel brockman richie, jr. (born June 20, 1949 - tuskegee, alabma) is an american singer, songwriter, record produce, who has sold more than 100 million records. in recent years, richie has become a phenomenon in various arab states & has performed in dubai, morocco, qatar & libya.
a ABC News reports:
According to Richie, he was told that Iraqi civilians were playing "All Night Long" the night that U.S. tanks invaded Baghdad. Richie was against the war, but he says he could see a day when he would come and perform in Baghdad. "I would love to be here for that"Grown Iraqi men get misty-eyed by the mere mention of his name. "I love Lionel Richie," they say. Iraqis who do not understand a word of English can sing an entire Lionel Richie song. He has performed in Morocco, Dubai, Qatar and Libya. There is obviously something up there. The more we talked, the more he theorized as to the reasons his music might be so popular here. He thinks it is because of the simple message in his music: Love.
lets fish... lets the music on..
credits: wikipedia/ flickr/ mixpod / numerous data
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