hanzKL (KanchangLai) beraksi
ares pe 4-8 expert rod adalah pilihan croxfiber & KanchangLai
putus perambut... hampa
ocea shimano 5000 & ocea jigger ev shimano 3000
g-peKL.. 6.8 kg keratang... pertama
1 kg - $35.00
zul alamrox tidak melepaskan peluang berfoto & inilah kali pertamanya ke drop off
game on.. lets fish!
feel it!
babKL.. 10.3 kg.. muncul keratang kedua!
abgCF bersedia...
dihiasi dengan protech magic braid 60 lb multi colour, manis reel ani...hehehe
g-peKL: manis banar ehh
hanzKL: ada makna tu hahaha
8.7 kg..
uncle cpt sulaiman (ucsKL) turut ceria hasil tangkapan drop off 131 meters
jewfish (epinephelus itajara) / keratang
this huge grouper is known to reach a length of 8 ft (2.4m) & a weight of 680 lb (310 kg). it lives in shallow water, around rocky ledges, wrecks & pilings. it's not a hard fighter but its size & weight as well as its habit of bolting into a hole when hooked! make it difficult to land. dont be surprised jewfish can even grow to 12 ft (3.7 m) & over 1,100 lb (500 kg)
keratang & si merah?
*akan keudara.. siapakah menaikan membangan..
Seems yhat there was lot of action in that day.
so much fun that trip... tnx esox fever